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Product Question

1. Can I pass my exam with ExamUnion braindumps only?
Yes, you can.
2. It is free of your update? How often are your products updated?
Our products are reviewed and updated on a continuous basis. The certification vendors often change the skills being tested in the exams, so we frequently change our braindumps to accurately reflect the current exams.
3. How can I know that is there any update?
There are several ways:
Date of latest release can be found on the products page. You can also click our livesupport to inquire it.
ExamUnion can send the latest exam file to your register and paypal emails in time if we have any update of the exams you have purchased from us.
You should always check for a new update 3-4 days before you plan to take the exam.
4. If my product is out of your update time free in one year, how do I get the update?
If so, we only can give the biggest discount or choose half price of the new update exam.
5. What is the quality of ExamUnion product?
Our products cover almost all the knowledge points of the real exam test. If you have any feedback of our product you also can let us know in time.

Purchase Question

1. How do I pay for the products?
Just read our “how to pay” page for the details or you can ask our livesupport online for help one by one.
2. Do you share your customer information database with any third parties?
We respect your right to privacy. We never share any information about our customers with a third-party.
3. How are the products delivered?
We can send the exam braindumps to your email in 10 mins in our working time. If it is non-working time, we will send to you in 12 hours. Our working time is: GMT+8: Monday- Saturday 8:00-18:00, GMT: Monday- Saturday 0:00-10:00.
4. What is wrong with adding product to my shopping cart?
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